A cornerstone of our mission, the depth and breadth of CRT’s research work sets it apart from other organizations. Our Research Team collects and analyzes program evaluation data throughout a project, allowing CRT to measure outcomes and fine-tune our work to sustain a high level of research-driven clinical interventions.

A cornerstone of our mission, the depth and breadth of CRT’s research work sets it apart from other organizations. Our Research Team collects and analyzes program evaluation data throughout a project, allowing CRT to measure outcomes and fine-tune our work to sustain a high level of research-driven clinical interventions.

Government Grants & Research Projects
CRT’s Research Team has been awarded many federally funded grants and studies, such as the current Cook County Gun Violence Prevention Program. These have led to the development of proven strategies and models for communities and clinical facilities that have had significant positive impact on the well-being of children throughout the country. CRT has frequently served as a pilot site for innovative evaluation strategies.

CRT staff has published articles in Pediatrics, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Child Welfare, and numerous other leading medical and psychological journals.
Internship Program
Our Research Internship program has become increasingly well-known and sought after. We regularly receive over 100 applications for less than 10 positions. Our fall/winter students work with us while studying at colleges and universities in the Chicago area, such as University of Chicago, DePaul and Loyola. The summer program brings students from schools across the country, from Tufts to USC, and many in between.